Feeling stuck? Sorry to say that you`re overthinking it. Don`t let fear or excuses get the better of you!
In this video (5 minutes), I share some tips for those who feel afraid to move forward with something important because they`re worried it won`t be good enough or they don`t have all the answers. That`s natural. You can`t know what`s possible until you try.
You need to trust the process and be willing to let it unfold. That was my experience writing my book and developing my framework, the Authentic Alchemy Path. It took me 5 months to work it through and it ended up to be so much better than I could have imagined, but it`s not something that I could have rushed because it needed time to germinate and evolve.
You have to start somewhere by taking that first step. Don`t worry that it might be messy. It likely will be and maybe you`ll be frustrated, but stick with it! Try to be curious and approach your challenge with beginner`s mind because you won`t know what will unfold.
I guarantee that once you start, where you end up could be far more interesting than what you expected - let yourself be surprised and delighted!
It`s official! You can buy my book on Amazon. The ebook is available for immediate purchase, and the printed book launches on March 1.
I`m beyond thrilled to share: So, What Do You Do? The Authentic Alchemy Path to Find Who You Are. It`s a powerful guidebook to find more meaning and purpose in your life through soul-aligned fulfilling work.
You`ll find practical guidance, inspiring stories and a thoughtful 8-step framework that I`ve developed from my work with over a thousand leaders to create more authenticity and alignment with their values.
Check out the link in my bio for more information and other free resources to support your path to purpose!
If you`re a high-achieving organized Type-A personality like me, you probably like to plan ahead and create To Do Lists, then happily check off boxes and move things to the Done category. While we can do our best to try to control as much as possible, the universe laughs.
Life rarely cooperates and makes things that easy for us. While some things may be within our control, sadly many things are not.
In the face of the ongoing turmoil and environmental disasters that we are facing on a seemingly weekly basis, we need to consider the changes that are needed.
Our heartbreak for the pain suffered by Los Angeles, fast on the heels of Florida, Asheville and more, may be leaving many of us feeling helpless. Yet each one of us is here at this time to make our world a better place.
That’s right, your presence is essential and important to creating positive change!
Reconsider your priorities now. Consider whether it`s time to make the changes you know are needed to live in alignment with your values and make the world a better place.
It`s an essential and often underappreciated aspect of an organization that directly impacts companies in multiple ways - from the perception of their brand and reputation to their ability to attract and retain talent. I share some thoughts on things for founders and business owners to be thinking about to consciously create cultures that reflect their values in this Business Riff podcast episode with Mary Scott.
Some key points:
- Culture is a litmus test for prospective employees to assess whether they want to work at your company.
- 3 ways that founders can intentionally incorporate their operating style and desired approach into their organizational culture is through: 1) their brand values; 2) decision-making processes, and 3) how they communicate.
- Making expectations explicit and transparent about what`s needed for employees to excel can be helpful in creating alignment to find and keep the right people.
- Align your culture with the size and growth stage of your company since growth often requires more structure and defined roles
- While the corporate cultures is not often explicitly documented, it can be shared through the brand values and operating procedures, and is witnessed on a daily basis through the founders` actions and behaviors
In short, culture can effect the bottom line because organizations with the right environment can accomplish more with less - the right talent can align around innovation and performance to accelerate your growth!
As we embark on our journey for the new year, we get to choose what will guide us. So my question is, where will you choose to focus your energy – on the past, present or future?
This is a very important question because it can give you some valuable clues and insights about where you are headed and where you may be struggling. There is of course, no right answer to this question, but I share a little more about what your orientation can mean in the blog post (see link below).
Our PAST is important when we take the lessons from our experiences, but not if we get stuck or overly attached to who we were and how things used to be. Living for the PRESENT moment is wonderful, but can leave us unmoored without direction if we don`t have a plan. Only looking to the FUTURE can be a distraction as it prevents us from being with what is.
It`s the powerful integration of all these perspectives that let`s us move forward with direction, wisdom and insight, while also being resilient and adaptable to what arises. https://buff.ly/429N7dg
I received the proof copy of my book. It came through much faster than expected. This is the matte cover version. I`m also waiting to receive a glossy cover to see if that pops more.
Over a year of effort went into writing the book, and it`s hard to believe that everything is coming together. I can`t wait to share more about my 8-step Authentic Alchemy Path framework and how it can help you find more fulfilling work aligned with your values.
The official launch will be in March. I`ll be sharing more exciting inspiration from the book in the coming weeks. Stay tuned.
How are your new year resolutions coming together? Have you created your future vision yet?
Looking to the future is important for goal setting and envisioning what`s possible. Yet we also need to take action in the present and avoid getting stuck in the past.
We are most successful when we integrate all these perspectives - how the wisdom from previous experiences can guide us forward, while allowing us to remain present and grounded in the future.
Ideally our orientation will integrate all of these to help us move forward with authenticity and alignment. I share some more thoughts in this short video.
Would love to hear how you balance between the past, present and future.
New possibilities need space to emerge. If your space, work, schedule and energy are full, it can be hard to bring new things in. And yet seemingly minor or relatively insignificant changes can be much more powerful than we realize. Once we make the initial decision to change, then we are opening up to allow more clarity to come through.
I discovered this through the art of feng shui. As I start to shift my physical environment to support what I desire, it sets me up for other positive new habits to evolve, then the momentum starts building.
Some new year inspiration for you: look at which aspects of your life and work have been a source of frustration, disappointment or annoyance. Maybe it`s time to address these and stop tolerating less than you desire. Know that you can transform your situation with the intention to create something better.
It starts with making the choice you are ready for a change, then taking an intentional action to do things differently. So what might need to shift?
If you would like support for your change process, please reach out to find a time to connect (see link below). Maybe a CLEAR session could be just what you need to review your space and drive changes from the outside in. It’s low risk and high impact – changing your environment will change your experience in big and small ways. And of course, I’m also available for transformational coaching to guide meaningful growth towards your vision and impact.
Whether you reach out for support or not, I encourage you to identify what you want to shift and develop a plan to move towards your goals. https://buff.ly/3lhQkVo