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Time for a rethink!

A friend made me aware that my emails were bouncing back, so it was time for me to deal with my severely overloaded inbox. Years of accumulated messages needed to go. In my haste to free up digital file space by deleting old files, I almost caused a much larger tech mishap – accidently clearing out my entire active email in-box. Poof! Years of email communications disappeared. Thankfully after panicking, I paused before pressing the empty all button. I found the restore button and was able to reinstate some of my recent information, hopefully I didn’t lose too much. Obviously, some clearing out was needed to make space for a new direction.

The whole fiasco reminded me of our current broader economic situation as we seem to be in a phase of clearing out and reassessing everything. Not just here, but globally. Out with the old (the incumbents) and in with the new (even if they were once old). The recent US election highlighted the different perspectives on what is needed to create change and hopefully these fundamentally different points of view are not completely irreconcilable.

I understand the desire to shake things up and find new ways of operating. Smart individuals will have different views on how to achieve any given outcome. The election’s outcome appeared to focus primarily around the economy and self-interest, without consideration for (or perhaps intentional denial of) the broader ramifications. It was disheartening for those who are working towards stewarding the limited resources on our shared planet and considering the broader needs of all people, regardless of their age, gender, orientation or background.

I support everyone’s right to their own opinion, but find it hard to imagine how following one individual’s outsize ego will lead all of us in a positive direction for the greatest good or beyond his own objectives. The implicit pursuit of personal gain at all costs by putting the individual ahead of the whole is disappointing – ethics, equity and the common good be damned. Perhaps you see it differently and if so, I would be open to hearing your perspective.

From my point of view, there are no silver bullets or quick fixes to the issues we have been facing. If only it were that easy. Our challenges will only increase, as if there weren’t enough upheaval already right now. However, I choose to look for a silver lining in the clouds. What choice do we have? We must prepare for continuing storms (both actual and metaphorical) that are likely to wreak destruction in their path.


Let’s not let this time of crisis go to waste. The backlash against collaboration and shared outcomes doesn’t mean these ideals need to be pushed aside. More than ever, and particularly once we burn out from the drama that is sure to ensue, we will want more kindness. We will need champions for the earth, those who care about the disadvantaged, disenfranchised and underserved. We must continue to find ways to bring people together, rather than divide them!

Innovative new possibilities can emerge for those who can think outside the box. How can we create spaces, places and approaches that build unity over divisiveness? Where can we create more peace and calm in the face of constant wars and battles? How might we leverage our resources effectively, rather than squander them to greed? What new solutions are needed to help us navigate now?

New ways of operating won’t evolve over night, yet I foresee a desire for more kindness and connection. For our overall health and sanity. It’s unrealistic to sustain a constant state of urgency, disaster and destruction, without having significant fallout and impact on us as individuals and as a collective.

Reflecting on over two interesting and challenging decades in the corporate trenches, much of that time involved positive changes as new ideas emerged. And yet the constant pushing and competing took its toll in ways large and small. There was a dark side as lawsuits and shifting regulations constantly ebbed and flowed like the tides. Many individuals lost perspective, unable to create balance, pledging their souls to work. Some pushed themselves so hard that they eventually fell ill from stress, high blood pressure, heart attacks, cancer and other fallout.

Now of course, sickness can hit anyone. However, unhealthy environments and toxic corporate cultures that treat people as dispensable and inter-changeable will no doubt cause illness if we let them. Being mindful of this can help us avoid negative fallout.

Productive Practices

So here are some ways to prepare for the future, protect yourself and your energy. I recommend revisiting the ABCs – ATTENTION to notice what’s going on around you and how you feel, BALANCE to ensure you are living in alignment with what’s important to you and CARE to honor your needs. Also consider the following:

  • Step back and reflect. Check-in with yourself regularly to monitor your emotional, psychological, physical and energetic health. How are you feeling? Do not ignore or push aside any signs that might indicate when you are struggling. When situations become overwhelming, how can you regain your perspective and place them in context?
  • Check for alignment. Consistently consider where you are living your values and when you might be out of sync. Look for those uncomfortable edges where you notice being pulled in a direction that doesn’t feel connected to what’s important for you. Move towards authenticity as much as possible, even in the face of those who aren’t. You will feel more grounded and whole in yourself when you are in integrity.
  • Identify gaps and opportunities. When you sense something isn’t lining up, ask yourself what needs to shift? Is it you or your environment? Maybe you can make a subtle tweak to carve out more time in nature, for exercise or meditation. Or perhaps you realize that you’ve been tolerating a situation that is taking a toll on you and you might finally be ready to make a change. Self-care is an ongoing practice of coming back to center in what will support you.

In contemplating these questions myself, I notice places where I want to shift more of my attention and redirect my energy. For instance, to find and support communities and causes that I care about. To seek out likeminded souls who hold a vision for the highest good for all. To maintain positivity and kindness in spite of indications those values may become less appreciated or tolerated.

Call me idealistic or naive, but I will also choose love and be both a realist and a fighter. We are all playing the long game and we need to develop new skills and approaches to navigate the ongoing changes that we are facing. It will not be easy, but that doesn’t mean we’re not up for the challenge.

Sometimes clearing out old ways of being makes space for new innovations and strategies to emerge. We must embrace our creativity. Pragmatism and optimism can co-exist. We can do the necessary work to take care of ourselves and pursue the future we hope to create even in the face of unanticipated setbacks.

By knowing what we need, choosing where we will focus our energy and moving towards our vision, we will make progress. Patience and persistence are on our side.

To creating a new future,


Time for a rethink
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