Are you acting by Default or by Design?

Are you making conscious choices?

I wish I could tell you that I was a master of intentional decision-making when it came to my career, but alas I’d be lying to you and myself.  Many of my choices were more reactive, made in response to what seemed most convenient at the time.  Not that I didn’t put some thought and effort into evolving my career, but I often felt prey to choosing the past of least resistance and inertia, letting the tides direct me rather than steering my ship where I wanted.

When I reflect back on how I ended up with a twenty year career in financial services, the last industry that I ever wanted to work in, it’s a cautionary tale. I had multiple offers to work in telecom following an AT&T summer internship, but didn’t really want to commute to the burbs and the pay wasn’t that great. So I did what any smart and ambitious MBA student at the time would do, follow the money.

And the irony of it all was I’d gone to business school to become a nonprofit executive – I had every intention of going into social services and driving change or becoming a politician (thank goodness I dodged that bullet). Social impact wasn’t really a thing then and I was quickly redirected from my original route. I never even took a nonprofit management course at b-school. Was that a horrible choice I second-guess every day of my life? No. Was business school and working in fintech a waste of time? Certainly not!  Did it take me a way from my vision and values?  Absolutely!

Somewhere after business school, I zigged instead of zagged and turned right instead of left, then it was hard to go back. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel any of my time was wasted. I accomplished a lot and learned many things that have stood me in good stead and that are foundational to my work now. That was my path. However I do sometimes wonder what coulda/shoulda/woulda been had I followed my original vision.


While I don’t believe in regrets (it’s important to acknowledge and clear them), had I known then what I know now, perhaps I would have made different choices. But of course, then I wouldn’t be where I am now to share the wisdom and insights gained over the last 3 decades with you.

I don’t want you to wonder what could have been or regret the choices you’ve made. You, my friend, can be more strategic, confident and proactive in your career, rather than reactive, insecure or uncertain.  So I’m going to let you in on some ways to hack your career trajectory now while you still have time.  Oh and for the record, you always have time to redirect with the right mindset.

How to be more thoughtful

Okay, so what’s the secret?  Here are 3 steps to be more strategic about your career and professional growth.

1) MAKE TIME. This seems obvious enough, but many people get caught up in the day-to-day and don’t set aside time in their schedule to reflect on their goals, assess where they are and plan for the future. Inertia sets in and they get comfortable, then they look back and 5 or 10 years have passed before they realize they’re not really doing what they love. Go schedule some time in your calendar (weekday or weekend) to be with yourself and dream. Prioritize and carve out the time to consider what you want.  For the super-organized, you can book a date quarterly or at a minimum annually.  Commit to doing this review for yourself.

2) WRITE IT DOWN: Great, you set aside the time, now what came up for you? You may have the most wonderful ideas and inspiration, but until you write these somewhere (on paper, in your computer or to do list, they will not be real. Make them tangible. Once you name something it come to life.  This also initiates and activates the energy by demonstrating that you are planting a stake in the ground and what you’ve declared is meaningful to you. Otherwise it’s just a pipe dream.

Feel into how real you are ready to make it. Is this a longer-term vision or inkling that you want to work towards in the future (ie. live in a villa in the south of Italy when you retire) or a more short-term goal like switch companies, step into a management position and increase your compensation by 25% within a year.  Clearly that second one is more tangible, time constrained and actionable, but the first one is no loess valid and inspiring. Bonus points for developing a vision board around what you want to bring it to life even more with imagery.

3) DEVELOP YOUR ACTION PLAN: You will join the ranks of the super-achievers if you start laying out the steps you need to take to more forward. Beyond mere mortals, you will start upping your game to next level. This means seriously considering what are the things you need to begin doing to take action on your vision. I always recommend coming up with the next 3 actions you need to take to move forward.

You get to be as detail-oriented or big picture as you want. For some people this looks like an extended check-list with a pros/cons matrix and gantt chart timelines. Others may simply want to start journaling around what their vision would look and feel like and how they can begin moving more in the direction of their goals. My suggestion is some combination of the above. Set the intention and point yourself towards what you want, but don’t overthink every last detail, particularly if that will overwhelm you and slow you down.  Leave some room for chance, synchronicity and life to unfold.


Stop avoiding or sidestepping your vision. Just put it in motion. It’s all about acknowledging what you want and committing yourself to move forward. Most businesses treat strategic planning like a logistics exercise so they have something on the books to refer back to. You know, a file that goes in a folder until next year. Other organizations have dedicated strategic planning functions, but these may be separate from the operating business. That’s not what we’re aiming for here. You need your creativity to partner with your imagination and your energy to be aligned so that you are taking intentional actions in support of your future vision. It should be a thoughtful, holistic and integrated approach that you commit to on an ongoing basis. Strategy plus execution.

So I encourage you to make a date with your future self. Focus on what you want.  And of course if you want some additional input to build out your game plan and career roadmap, this is one of my specialties. I will help you clarify your vision, figure out your positioning, develop your action steps, manage your mindset as you face challenges and hold you accountable to make things happen in a way that feels good for you.  Reach out to connect.  Let’s get you suited and booted to play in the big leagues.  We need you! Reach out before Friday to take advantage of Freedom February, customized coaching service packages for your specific goals. We’ll find what you need to thrive!

To designing and aligning your future,


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