When is time running out?
Is it time for a change? You may be, like me, an organized Type-A personality who likes to plan ahead. Creating detailed To Do lists and feeling that sense of satisfaction checking off boxes and [...]
Past, Present, Future – Where will you focus?
What direction are you facing? As we embark on our journey for the new year, we get to choose what will guide us. So my question is, where will you choose to focus [...]
To Find Clarity and Spaciousness… Create an Opening
Find clarity and spaciousness This morning I went downstairs to make my breakfast. Rather than the usual ambivalence about what I was in the mood to eat, I felt a sense of inner peace [...]
What Are You Celebrating?
This has been quite a year! As we get ready to close the books on another momentous chapter, have you begun to look back over 2024 to reflect on what happened? The good, bad [...]
When Life Gets Unpredictable – Is Mercury Retrograde?
Sometimes life throws us a curveball Or several. This was my experience last week. I was looking forward to a weekend getaway with some girlfriends. As I headed out the door, I couldn't open [...]
Before The Year Ends
Wrapping it all up with a bow! As we approach year-end, it’s natural to reflect on our accomplishments (or lack there of) throughout the year. Did we meet and achieve the ambitious goals [...]
What it Takes
What do you desire? I’m going to admit to a guilty pleasure - I binge watch #vanlife and #skoolie conversion videos on Instagram. Do I secretly want to throw all my earthly possessions [...]
End of Year Slump?
Are you ready for year-end? How would you like to close out 2024 and what are your plans to celebrate the holiday season? Big parties with lots of gifts and food orgies, travel [...]
Don’t React. Adapt!
Dealing with Ambiguity Life has been a bit of a roller coaster ride lately with lots of ups and downs. I wish we were experiencing more highs, since we’ve definitely been seeing plenty [...]
Back to Usual?
Time for a rethink! A friend made me aware that my emails were bouncing back, so it was time for me to deal with my severely overloaded inbox. Years of accumulated messages needed [...]
Managing Election Anxiety
How to get through the craziness? This week’s newsletter is short and sweet and coming to you on Monday with a dose of practicality and inspiration. I don’t know about you, but I’ve [...]
How Badly Do You Want It?
How much do you want to change? When we’re ready to make a change, we know it. We start showing up differently, ready to take the actions needed to move forward into something [...]
How to Be Yourself
How can you be more of yourself? For the ice cream fans out there, what’s your favorite flavor and style? Gelato, sorbet, soft serve? Are you a purist who only likes vanilla or [...]
Still Waters Run Deep
The waves of change are upon us! I’ve always loved the water! Being by the ocean. Swimming. Floating. Watching the waves. The mist and power of a waterfall. There’s something so calming and [...]
Managing the Challenges of ADHD
Find it Difficult to Focus? In my coaching and career advising work with students and private clients, I've noticed that it's not uncommon for individuals to struggle with concentration. Some have been formally [...]
Serpent or Phoenix?
Can We Ever Truly Transform? I help many people go through the process of change and know how overwhelming and daunting it can feel. To face your fears, push through them and do [...]
Give Yourself Permission
JUST DO IT! You know, that thing that you’ve always wanted to do. What if you gave yourself permission to go after it and went all out to pursue what you care most [...]
Finding that sweet spot
How to find your place and pace? I’ve had a yoga practice on and off for well over a decade (maybe 2?). During COVID when I couldn’t get to a yoga studio, I [...]
When is the right time?
How do we know when it’s time? There’s a lot of change happening everywhere. I recently visited a cute nearby town that I don’t get to nearly often enough, but really enjoy spending time [...]
The long and winding road
Do you like shortcuts? Most of us prefer things to be quick and easy. Use Waze to get to your destination faster even if it takes you on crazy side roads you’ll never [...]
What are you laboring for?
What Is Your Labor Worth? As we close out the summer, I hope you had an enjoyable holiday weekend! While we don’t often think about the back story, Labor Day is thanks to all [...]
You Know What You Want
When You Know, You Know What’s keeping you from having everything you want? Probably YOU. While it may be counter-intuitive, I firmly believe we often know what we want, but won’t let ourselves [...]
The Big Rethink
Have you ever thought… What if my life could be different? How can I do meaningful work that makes a difference? What would it feel like to love your life and feel like [...]
Cleaning up and out
Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes Turn and face the strange (gotta love classic David Bowie). I’m feeling like a bit of a Space Oddity myself since I will be temporarily leaving New York in the fall. I’m [...]
Stuff is happening
There’s been a lot going on I was considering radio silence this week, but decided to give you all a sneak peek into what I’ve been up to lately. I wanted to share [...]
Which matters most?
What is most important? You’re starting a new exercise routine, what’s going to help you be most successful? Repetition (reps), having great form, spending more time? All of the above and also it [...]
You didn’t f*ck up
What if everything were fine? Stuff happens and we make mistakes. Most of us high achievers are very hard on ourselves. How could that happen? What was I thinking? Damn, I screwed up, [...]
Making your own luck
Dealing with luck and circumstances So much of our experience is outside of our control. And yet, we also have the ability to make many decisions, large and small, that influence how we [...]
Truth vs. Fiction
What do you believe? Our experience is heavily influenced by our thoughts. If you think things won’t work out, then you are predisposed to proving this is true. You’re wearing amber shades that [...]
Art and life
Taking the gentler path I have the good fortune to be visiting Paris where my partner is from, and it certainly has its charms. One thing in particular that I’m enjoying is the [...]
Wisdom comes from experience
What do you know to be true? How do we know things? Telling truth from fiction is getting harder these days, so we need to uncover information sources that we can count on. [...]
Passion vs. Practicality
How practical should you be? Being practical is about being smart - doing what’s needed to take care of yourself. This includes things like paying the bills, ensuring there’s a roof over your [...]
Learning and Growth
Are you interested in growth? Then you must embrace learning! I’m a continual learner, however I’ve noticed that I’m most passionate about what I’m actually interested in. Learning something just because I “should” [...]
Shift doesn’t happen overnight
How fast do you expect to change? In reflecting on my personal evolution and observing the growth of my clients, I was reminded what a journey change can be. It starts when you [...]
How to know
How do we find the truth? Have you ever gotten side-swiped by someone telling you something unexpected at the least opportune time? You know, like during your annual performance review when your boss [...]
When your cup runneth over
Don’t cry over spilled tea My teapot leaked. I was doing a cleanse, 3 meals of congee, a rice porridge as part of an Ayurvedic cleanse, and could not eat any sweets, sugar, [...]
How to make your career change easy?
Simple Career Switching I know this magical exercise where you close your eyes, click your heels together 3 times and say out loud: “I want a new career. I want a new career. [...]
What makes you unique?
When have you been inspired? When you consider all the crazy, silly, foolish, exciting and brilliant things you’ve done in your life, what ties them altogether? YOU! You’re a unique and inspiring creative [...]
What’s love got to do with it?
The things we do for love I love the Tina Turner song, What’s love got to do with it? I believe that love often sits at the heart of everything important because we [...]
Keeping it real
The truth shouldn’t hurt So how do you feel about genuine faux leather or dairy free cheese (real cheddah)? Well, that depends if you’re a vegan then you’re probably cool with it, but [...]
A Big Reveal…. I’m not perfect
OMG, please forgive me! I’m a bit embarrassed to admit this, I’ve been a bit slapdash in my weekly missives. I would like to apologize for the typos in my writing. I’ve noticed quite [...]
Are you acting by Default or by Design?
Are you making conscious choices? I wish I could tell you that I was a master of intentional decision-making when it came to my career, but alas I’d be lying to you and [...]
The ABCs of change
Finding more professional fulfillment I recently moderated office hours for the Columbia Career Coaching Network for diverse Columbia University to receive coaching guidance. Not surprisingly, there were commonalities among the many different professional [...]
Are you ready to find more joy and happiness?
How to find more joy? I’m not sure about you, but joy is a state of being I’d like to experience as much as possible. In fact, it’s something I realized I was [...]
It’s time to step up!
What’s holding you back? After some time away from the daily grind, I have been feeling inspired. I also have an increased sense of urgency in supporting more leaders to step it up. [...]
Want to level up?
How can you up-level? So you’re ready to kick things up a notch. Maybe you want a promotion, new job, more visibility, higher compensation or some other growth opportunity that feels like a [...]
How to Heal A Broken Heart
My Heart is Breaking! I was feeling some pain in my chest. When I slowed down to really explore what was going on with a friend’s support, I realized that my heart was hurting [...]
Appearances Can be Deceiving
Pay attention to the substance. Reality trumps fantasy every time. * * * * * Noticing takes time I recently moved into a new house. Everything looked great when we initially visited however living [...]
Is it Time for a Change?
Start by looking at your perspective * * * * * So you want to change? Change is an interesting thing. We think we want things to be different, but then we actually get freaked [...]
Reframing Quiet Quitting
AKA Setting boundaries * * * * * How and when to quit? There’s been a lot of chatter about “Quiet Quitting” in the TikTokisphere. If you haven’t heard, this is a trend to cutting [...]
Be yourself
Because everyone else is taken! * * * * * Come home to yourself Despite a closet full of black pantsuits, I love the color purple and any sparkly, shiny, soft and sensual fabrics. Not [...]
Slow good
Busting the myth of faster, harder, more * * * * * What is your speed? Slow down you crazy child You're so ambitious for a juvenile But then if you're so smart tell me [...]
When you want to run away
Did you ever want to run away? While I was mostly a good girl as a kid, I do remember one time that I seriously considered packing my bags, telling my parents to f*ck off [...]
The power of a KISS
When to Keep it Simple Sylvia . Suggestions for adapting to change. * * * * * What makes something powerful? SIMPLICITY! In fact, the simpler the better. Getting straight to the point is one [...]
Leaving it all Behind
How does it feel to just let go? You don’t need to sell your soul or get crushed by the corporate grind. Some ideas for making a change * * * * * Can you [...]
Liberation is Possible
5 keys for taking the leap into the unknown to start your own business. * * * * * Do it your way! Many people wonder whether they can go out on their own. What [...]
Playing the Long Game Takes Time
How to position yourself for growth and navigate making a change. * * * * * How to position yourself? There comes a time when we all discover that aspects of our work just aren’t [...]
No worries, Stop Whingeing
When we complain and become impatient, our energy works against us. Gratitude helps us shift our story and our mindset. * * * * * What are you worried about? Having spent a bit of [...]
What are you attached to?
Are you letting what you’re attached to define who you are to your disadvantage? * * * * * Do our attachments define us? Ok, so this is sort of embarrassing to share, but I [...]
The Power of Ritual and Honoring Yourself
Rituals take us out of our daily routines and can help us reframe our experience in new and surprising ways. Here are some suggestions around mindfulness practices. * * * * * How do you [...]
When Opportunity Knocks, Do You answer?
How do you respond to new possibilities? Do you notice the signs and invitations to change? How can you say yes to what’s calling you? * * * * * Knock, Knock. Who’s there? Knocks [...]
Reflecting on Happiness
We can pursue happiness with intention. Here are some thoughts on how to raise your happiness set point. * * * * * Happiness is a thing! In addition to the traditional self-help industry, happiness [...]
The Zombie Apocalypse
Understanding our dreams can reveal powerful insights about how our fears are catching up with us. * * * * * Symbols and Dreams I’m a pretty active dreamer and on good days I remember [...]
New Places and Possibilities
Getting away can give us a new perspective and opportunity to reflect on how we have changed or may need to change to develop new ways of looking at the world. * * * * [...]
Do you know when it’s appropriate to speak or to stay silent?
Finding your voice What do you have to say? Sometimes we are at a loss for words, even those of us who are quite outspoken and communicative. We can struggle at times to find something [...]
Speaking up or not
INTRO: The art of giving constructive feedback and when advice is helpful * * * * * When is advice actually helpful? There’s nothing worse than unsolicited advice. Maybe hidden insults disguised as compliments, like [...]
3 Tips to a Stress-less Transition
Managing personal or professional transitions is stressful! Here are 3 suggestions to manage a job search, career move or other big change with greater ease, so you can make progress and stay focused.
The Real Leadership Conversation You’re Not Having, But Should
Have you ever talked with others about your leadership? Specifically, what should leadership look like for you and your organization? If not, I recommend exploring this question to get some valuable [...]
Valuing Leadership
How do we define a good leader or great leadership? I believe we assess leadership based on our values and good leaders exemplify the values that we believe in. [...]
Building a Brand that is You
For many, branding is a loaded word and not always a positive one. Why would we need to have our own brand? Well the truth is that we have one whether we [...]
Changing The Game – 6 Questions to Ask
So, you realize it's time for a change, now what? Thinking through the following questions can help you get clarity about where you want to go and what you need to [...]
Why Boundaries Matter
We recently led a Balance & Boundaries workshop that was a powerful experience in learning to connect with what matters most and speaking one's truth. The biggest lesson is that creating [...]
Managing Through Challenges
We could all use a break from the headlines and constant barrage of insults, accidents and trauma. SHIFT is happening that is clear. Mother nature is pissed off, and deep rage [...]
Aligning Your Values and Actions
Increasingly individuals are seeking authenticity and deeper connection they want to align their values with their actions. Can your head follow your heart, instead of ruling over it? How [...]
What Matters? How to Focus on the Right Priorities
Are you focused on the right actions? With so many opportunities, possibilities and ideas to pursue how does one choose? How do you know if you are applying your limited resources [...]