How will you know?
I know change is needed when I start forgetting things and confusing dates, like I did last week. I got ahead of myself. Surprise! I’m back in your inbox because excitement about my upcoming holiday plans caused me to completely lose track of time. Since I’m still here, I had to write:)
Truth be told, I am ready for a break. For more than a year, I have been working relentlessly on my book, So, What Do You Do? The Authentic Alchemy Path to Find Who You Are and I’m beyond pleased it is now available for sale on Amazon here (ebook only, the print version launches March 1).
You can see my shock and awe when I received the initial book print proof. Then I did a happy dance (kinda like this) because it’s important to celebrate big achievements and I’m delighted to share this important milestone with you!
The book integrates decades of my experience into a powerful guide to navigate change and find your purpose. I’ve created a unique framework that offers three possible paths to find soul-aligned work:
- Practical career transition strategies. Multiple exercises and personal reflections help you uncover your strengths, preferences and opportunities to find your work in the world. You will have opportunities to check-in, take action and review your progress to stay accountable, along with stories to inspire you. There’s less focus on resume and job search, which are important (so I offer a free resource you can access here). Instead, I guide you to know yourself deeply so all your subsequent outreach efforts are focused and effective.
- Personal transformation and healing. Powerful practices and rituals will help you clear the blocks that keep you from stepping into your highest calling. I help you integrate mind, body, spirit, energy, emotions and environment to overcome any resistance holding you back. Feng shui (energy flow in space) and the chakra system (energy channels within the body) offer additional support for a more holistic approach to creating the changes you desire.
- Archetypal Hero or Heroine’s Journey. Explore your calling and find your path in the larger context of your personal growth story. Discover what led you to where you are now by making meaning from all your experiences without judgment through the tarot and other mythical allies.
You can work through any and all of these levels in your search for more alignment. More than a traditional career guidebook, I’ve created a user manual for you to create a meaningful life through fulfilling work. I hope to inspire you to step fully into your leadership, so you can do the work you are meant to do in the world.
I know you’re here to make a positive impact and I want to help you remove barriers preventing you from living your truth and sharing your gifts more broadly. We need more conscious leaders like you to reimagine what is possible for our world, so we can create the changes needed to move in a positive direction. That means knowing and living in alignment with your values. You can get the book here!
The Path of Transformation
From my personal experience, change is not a linear process. While specific, sudden or unexpected events may force us to change, more often than not we undergo a journey through change as we adapt and evolve to new requirements and needs.
Similar to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’ seminal work on the 5 Stages of Grief, it can be helpful to understand facing our challenges as working through a process that unfolds over time (for example, in coming to terms with death and sadness). Any and all change necessitates dealing with uncertainty, lack of control and potential stress.
We much prefer safety, security and stability. That’s why our bodies are physically wired to react immediately to perceived dangers (usually by fighting, fleeing, freezing or fawning). Relying on or getting stuck in reactive patterns creates persistent and prolonged stress that can lead to long-term health and other challenges.
Your Body Knows
Our beautiful bodies are masterful instruments designed to support us. Yet they can easily get out of whack when we are not attuned to what they need to be healthy and return to stasis. So, What Do You Do? incorporates multiple tools and smart approaches to support you in getting clarity around your calling. In addition, various holistic strategies help you understand, address and heal all the blocks to your growth and evolution. Because as I’ve shared before, awareness empowers you to create positive change.
Do you listen to yourself and your body? Are you connected to your intuition, instincts and sense of inner knowing? If not, would you like to be more in touch with and connected to yourself?
I hope that knowing and trusting your own wisdom sounds appealing because in our increasingly fake news world, we need to rely on ourselves even more. Only we know what feels right for us, who we can trust and when we need to take care of ourselves or make new choices.
I will be diving deep into how you can connect more fully with yourself in a free workshop, Finding Your Work in the World on Tuesday, February 18 from 6-7pm EST. Learn more and register here. I’ll be sharing my approach, personal experiences, insights and practices from the book that you can apply immediately. This online workshop will help you examine what might be possible if you lived your truth and aligned your work with what you care most about.
Those who join the call (live or on replay) will receive a special gift from me, so I really hope you can make it. As always, feel free to schedule a free Discovery Call to learn more and connect.
To finding more connection within,