Give Yourself Permission


You know, that thing that you’ve always wanted to do. What if you gave yourself permission to go after it and went all out to pursue what you care most about? Followed your interest down the rabbit hole and see where it took you. Who knows where you might end up? You might find Alice and discover Wonderland.

Say “hi” for me! You could also uncover something that you love. Or it could turn out to be nothing like what you expected. But, you won’t know until you explore. Anything and everything that you discover in the pursuit of your passion is likely worth learning more about. I have no doubt that important and valuable information will be revealed. Why? Because your curiosity will guide you to more self-awareness and knowledge that will inform your future choices.

But what usually happens? Instead of going after what we want, stuff gets in the way. We make excuses. We get busy. We avoid, deny, ignore those things we care about. And it all comes at our own expense.

Having an Epiphany

I had this important realization just recently. I’m a writer. And I probably always have been, but never really acknowledged it. If you’ve been reading this newsletter, you get it. Yet for years (decades actually), I’ve had a daily journaling practice and never really thought about it.

Writing has always been an outlet and channel for me. If you asked, I’d probably tell you that I’m good at editing things. It’s so strange how we get these mental blocks in our heads, overlooking those things we enjoy and are good at. We simply take them for granted. And as a result, we inadvertently compromise ourselves.

Until recently, I’ve mostly focused on other things. My consulting, coaching, career advisory work for Bard, living in the country, needing to exercise more, eating healthy….. You know – other stuff. Being a writer didn’t really factor into my life until I realized that I’m writing a book and I have to start telling people about it.

What I discovered was how many people were surprised and didn’t know I was writing a book, even though I’ve been toiling away at it for more than 9 months, my manuscript is complete and I’m in the process of designing the book cover. Why didn’t they know? Well, I’d neglected to mention it. It was a well kept secret that I was keeping close to my chest. How ironic!

Change happens in unexpected ways. My shift into writing happened almost by chance when a friend responded to one of my newsletters and suggested that I write a book. And I thought, “why yes, I should!  Why haven’t I?”  Ironically, I was coaching another client to write his screenplay at the time, so perhaps encouraging someone else’s courageous and creative act also inspired my own.

There and then, I made a commitment that I would write my book this year.  It was the spark that lit the match that has become a burning bonfire ever since.  I have another non-fiction book planned and a fiction series already outlined. Who would have thought? Not me, that’s for sure.

Acknowledging how much I enjoy writing and the fact that I will become a published author within the next few months finally fell into place. And just like that, I’ve become a writer!  I’ve decided to own it and run with it to see where it takes me.

How it Happens

In a recent career advising sessions with an MBA student, I told him to start pursuing his interest in consulting as a side-hustle. He looked at me and said, “Really?  You’re giving me permission?”   We both laughed that this 45-year old man finally realized that he had been waiting all this time for someone to give him the go flag. And finally, he could start doing his thing.  No more delays or denials.

Somehow, he needed permission, just like I needed permission to do something that I’d always been interested in, but hadn’t been able to pull the trigger on myself. Having the external validation somehow helped.  And of course, the timing was right as I had created space and already begun redirecting my focus. I then made the commitment to see it throughpersisted and did the work, even in the face of feeling overwhelmed and challenged by the process on more than one occasion.

These are all important ingredients that helped bring a dream into reality. And yet, these are helpful but not necessary elements.  You just need to start doing that thing.

And now, my manuscript is written and I’m pretty damn proud of myself. So my invitation to you is what do you need permission to do that has been calling and whispering in your ear for a while? What if you just did it?  No more excuses. NO REGRETS.  Maybe it’s time. And you can give yourself permission!

Join Monthly Office Hours this Friday!

I hope you can join me this Friday at noon for my first free FULFILLING WORK FRIDAYS office hours and group coaching call. I can’t wait!  We’ll be exploring how you can find more happiness and fulfillment in your work and life. I would love to see you, your friends and anyone who would like to feel more authentic and aligned. Please share the details below and sign up here.

Here are the upcoming dates:

  • Friday, October 4 from 12-1pm EST
  • Friday, November 1 from 12-1pm EST
  • Friday, December 13 from 12-1pm EST

REGISTER HERE to sign up and find details (

I’ll be helping smart high achieving leaders, soulpreneurs, founder and business owners like you to explore ways you can show up as your whole self, find more purpose, grow personally and professionally and bring in more income. Do well by doing good! Living in alignment with your values. Finding the best opportunities to play to your strengths, do your work in the world and make a positive impact.  It’s a thing and you can make it happen.

The session will be lively, interactive and engaging. I typically share creative ideas, inspiration and exercises to help you get more clarity about your direction, so sign up here – I’d love to see you there.  Please note Tmthat the Zoom session will not be recorded.

Let me know what itch you’re longing to scratch and how you might pursue something you’ve been wanting to do for a long time.  Not that you need my permission, but just in case you want a little extra encouragement, know you’ve got it if that helps you make it happen.

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