Wrapping it all up with a bow!
As we approach year-end, it’s natural to reflect on our accomplishments (or lack there of) throughout the year. Did we meet and achieve the ambitious goals we set for ourselves? Are we where we hoped we would be or not? This process of self-reflection can be a very worthwhile exercise to assess our progress to date and course correct if needed. How have we been doing? Where are we missing the mark and can we adapt?
However I encourage you to undertake this process with love, rather than criticism and self-recrimination as so many of us high-achievers tend to do. Rather than beat yourself up for all that you didn’t do, celebrate all that you did achieve. It’s quite possible that your big goals may have shifted from the beginning of the year when you first conceived them or perhaps other more important priorities might have gotten in the way.
Also, it’s not uncommon to underestimate how long things take to accomplish and overestimate what can be completed in a year (this is known as “Gates Law”). As I’ve shared previously, we also often fall prey to the Planning Fallacy by setting overly optimistic expectations for what is attainable which can lead to disappointment and frustration.
Rather than creating a pattern of consistently overpromising to yourself then underdelivering and feel disheartened, there’s another way. Instead consider the following.
Tie things up in a neat and tidy little bow. Wherever they are right now, call a “time out” and take a nice PAUSE. Give all those dangling modifiers and open-ended projects you never saw through to completion a healthy send off. Sayonara to the stuff you got done – congratulate yourself and celebrate. For those things that remain a work in progress, consider if they’re still worth your time and if you’re no longer feeling the enthusiasm, then be done with them. Say goodbye, see you later sister.
Wherever things were, decide not to leave them hanging. It’s time to close stuff out and move on. Some things you may want to carry forward with the realization that they need more time and attention. Evaluate realistically any steps you may have overlooked and set more practical milestones with more detailed plans to reach your goals. This will help you stay on track for those goals that remain important.
For the stuff that didn’t happen and no longer feels aligned, you have full permission to ditch the ballast and trim the sails. For the inexperienced sailors in the group, this lets you pick up speed and optimize your performance as you remain focused and light in your approach. You have now chosen the straightest line to your destination.
Of course choosing the direct path is easier said than done. We tend to be wired to avoid change, preferring to keep things steady and stay the course, even when that’s no longer what we may want. Many of us are loathe to let things go (losing arguments, the need to be right, resentments, resistance, fears…. you name it) and move on.
We often hold onto sh*t we don’t need for much longer than we should. This is as true for things keep that are emotional, intellectual or energetic, as it is for things that are not. These often manifest indirectly in physical forms as junk.
What might this look like? Hanging on to old clothes that no longer fit or you spent too much money on and can’t get rid of or that remind us of how we used to be. Old beliefs, such as thinking you really should be doing something because it’s the “right” thing to do or because it will make others happy. Old identities really die hard when we become attached to how we used to be (whether as parents, executives, our younger selves or some other idealized states). Then there the old habits and behaviors that have over-extended their stay (and often usefulness, such as complaining, comparing or resisting change), but stick around like annoying house guests who won’t leave.
Consider if dirty dishes piled up in your sink because you hadn’t cleaned them. The more they pile up, the harder it becomes to clean other dishes and the messier and smellier your space becomes – not a pretty picture. It’s the same with the weight of all of our experiences – are you following me?
Now you’re probably not a slob or a hoarder, but all of us can quickly become weighed down by heaviness that doesn’t serve us when we don’t clean or put away our dirty dishes. Just like carrying a few extra pounds on our bodies can slow us down, imagine how heavy the weight of regret feels. Just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean we aren’t held back or impacted.
It’s very easy to let things (thoughts, attitudes, habits, identities or physical objects) accumulate and build up. You don’t need to completely Marie Kondo your space or revisit your entire life and start Swedish Death Cleaning. But I do invite you to start somewhere because more space = more opportunities.
Create More Space
Here are 3 quick and simple ways that you can begin to free up and reclaim space in your mind, body, and spirit as well as your physical space and energy.
- Get rid of something you don’t like. Look for one thing that you no longer want, need or use that you can let go of. Releasing even one object you dislike can kickstart some movement as you bring more spaciousness and openness to your space and energy. Out with the yuck means there is more opportunity for the yum.
- Move, repurpose or recycle something. Notice what’s getting in your way. Are there physical objects (for example clutter or furniture blocking a pathway) that you can relocate? Simply relocating things to where they may fit better can eliminate energy drains and bring more flow in your life.
- Eliminate duplicates. If you’ve got more than one of the same thing you don’t need, can you let one go? Of course it can help to replicate the things you love and use, but simplifying and minimizing the unneeded extra stuff will allow more ease.
What does clearing out have to do with professional development?
Feng shui is the art of creating energetic flows in our environment. It brings us into awareness about everything around us and how we are a reflection of our environment and what we see around us is a reflection of who and how we are. “As above, so below” and “as within, so without.”
Our external environments are a mirror and doorway into our internal experience. We can change our spaces to create shifts internally. This is why I start with clearing space and believe it is an important, yet overlooked step needed to allow new things to come into your life.
It’s so important aspect to creating change that it is the initial phase (PREPARATION) and the first step (CLEAR) of my Authentic Alchemy Path framework. This is the transformational coaching process that I will share more about in my upcoming book, So, What Do You Do? The Authentic Alchemy Path to Find Who You Are. The book is formatted and I’m just waiting to receive printed hard-copies to proof. I will be sharing more in the lead up to the release in late February, early March.
To summarize, as we contemplate anything new, preparation and clearing let us create the space to explore what might be possible. For some more inspiration, I recorded a brief video highlight reel (click here or below – 6:17 minutes listen time).
Want more clarity?
I recently discussed living situations with friends who were undergoing changes. Our environments can help us diagnose what’s really going on in our lives. For instance, things we may try to avoid can often show up in unexpected ways, like our closets (just like that dirty sink example) as we hide what we don’t want to deal with or let stuff pile up. There’s a message in our madness if we take time to reflect. What might you be avoiding that could be dealt with or cleared up?
As you look ahead to the new year and consider your next personal evolution or professional changes, consider starting with your external environment first. I would be happy to support you and offer CLEAR Sessions to help you create a new story for your life and work by changing your environment. The simple act of moving things around will help you free up and create more flow.
Let me know if you try any or all of the clearing tips I shared above. To explore how a CLEAR session can support you, reach out for a Discovery Call to learn how a good “zhuzh” can help you progress your big goals and vision.
Here’s to more clarity and clearing,