When is the right time?

How do we know when it’s time?

There’s a lot of change happening everywhere. I recently visited a cute nearby town that I don’t get to nearly often enough, but really enjoy spending time at whenever I do. I bopped into some of my favorite shops to check in and see what was new.

Thankfully I made it to one of my personal faves, a charming artsy boutique with handcrafted items where I took a shibori tie-dye workshop and always find unique treasures, only to discover they were closing. After 20 years, “we knew it was time for something different,” said one of the owners. Their lease was up and the couple also came to the conclusion they were ready to embark on a new chapter.

I almost started crying to think that this little haven of creativity and discovery would close, but so it goes. This is the cycle of life – openings and closings, beginnings and endings. I was so grateful that I got to see and experience their unique creation while it existed, but it’s time had come to regenerate and leave space for something else to emerge. The circle is continuous. I’m sure you’ve seen it reflected wherever you live as one store closes while another opens up around the corner. Hope springs eternal.


We can’t always predict when something will end. The business we work in may be struggling and decide to layoff staff, whether we get let go or have to pick up the slack for others who are leaving, that can be a very unsettling experience. Facing uncertainty. Many businesses were struck down by COVID, while others survived. Whether something is predictable or not is besides the point, we still have to deal with the fallout in whatever way are impacted.

If you’ve been following my newsletters, you may know I mentioned a friend’s kid, Joe, who had been searching for a job for the past few months and had finally gotten a call back after focusing on his interests. Well, I wanted to share the good news that he got that job! It confirmed my belief that when we’re on our path, things always work out – whether we find what we’re meant to have or it finds us.

You may also recall that I was planning to leave Brooklyn, but in a game day decision I decided not to. It wasn’t feeling right and I realized I wasn’t ready to rent my place. So, what happened? I had doubts about the renter and timing, then I weighed the pros and cons, followed my intuition and trusted my gut.

I’d actually packed up half my apartment. Then when the painters came and my rooms looked so fresh and clear, I ultimately decided that I wanted to stay. It was like I had a new apartment. Everything was clear. The walls, my countertops, my mind.

The Big Rethink

We can change our minds – that is always within our control. And so I did. It ended up being an easy choice to know that I wasn’t being forced to leave, it had been my choice all along. Clearing everything out gave me the space to reflect and consider my needs anew.

We can get stuck in old ways of being so easily and sometimes all we need is a different perspective to help us see things with fresh eyes.  I’m not saying I won’t rent my place or sell it and move in the future, but for now it wasn’t the right time.

How to change your perspective?

Clearing is an important step in my Authentic Alchemy Path process. It’s the first step needed to create space for change and set intentions. Too often, we overlook this critical juncture – the pause needed for reflection before embarking on something new with conscious awareness. We rush into what’s next in our push to do, do, do.

Instead, what if we slowed down and took stock of where we are and what we want to create? This is an important time period of introspection, honoring and pre-visioning. Opening the space for a new vision to enter so it will have room to grow and expand. A full cup can’t hold anymore water, some needs to be emptied for more to come in.

What I also uncovered from my apartment rental excursion is how easy it is for us to get side-tracked by some shiny new object or thing that seems urgent, but really isn’t important. These activities can become distractions that cause us to veer off course from our dreams, goals and priorities. My primary focus now is on launching my book and I was reminded where I want to direct my energy.

JOIN ME for FREE Monthly Office Hours

If you would like a little reflection and opportunity to get input on what’s coming up for you, please join me for FULFILLING WORK FRIDAYS – these will be FREE group coaching calls where I will answer your questions about how to find more happiness and satisfaction with your work and life. Sessions are open to you, your friends and anyone you feel would benefit from insight around feeling more authentic and aligned, so please feel free to share details.

Save the dates:

  • Friday, October 4 from 12-1pm EST
  • Friday, November 1 from 12-1pm EST
  • Friday, December 13 from 12-1pm EST

REGISTER HERE to sign up and get more details (https://FulfillingWork.eventbrite.com).

Submit your questions and challenges in advance or bring them to the session live where I will respond. Here are areas I will be covering and addressing:


  • Making a career pivot or transition
  • Leaving a job
  • Earning more
  • Getting promoted


  • Starting a business
  • Creating more flexibility and freedom
  • Selling yourself
  • Building your brand


  • Reducing burnout
  • Finding more meaning and purpose
  • Managing your mindset
  • Communicating your value
  • Setting boundaries

I hope you can join me because I love facilitating groups! In previous sessions I’ve run, people have gained perspective, uncovered incredible insights, shifted their priorities, made important decisions and redirected their professional path. They are that powerful!  So, sign up here – I’d love to see you there.

Please note these Zoom sessions will be recorded, so anything discussed will not be confidential unless you change your name and turn off your video.

I’m excited to hear what’s top of mind for you and how I can support your growth and transformation.

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