Want to level up?

How can you up-level?

So you’re ready to kick things up a notch. Maybe you want a promotion, new job, more visibility, higher compensation or some other growth opportunity that feels like a stretch. What’s one thing you can do? Clear the path! Make room for more. We need to have space available for new things to come in. The more we can open, the more we can let in. While it seems counter-intuitive in a way, like slowing down to speed up, it’s a similar principle. You can’t put more liquid into a cup that’s already full – it will just spill off the top. A sponge that’s already soaked can’t absorb anything else. Similarly, if you’re working like a fiend, stressed out, tired or running on overdrive, your battery may have burned down and needs to be refueled. You need to recharge.


This is how it works. Recently I reviewed a client’s work space which also did double-duty as her dressing room. She is preparing to step into a challenging new leadership role and wanted more support. It became apparent that in many ways her office was working against her. What did we notice? It was not the oasis of calm that she desired. There were piles of paper all over, her closet was stuffed to overflowing and there was barely a clear surface to put anything on. Just being in her office was pretty aggravating for her. Meanwhile her vision of stepping into a senior role would come with increased responsibility and compensation and the demands of adapting to a new role and company. She needed to feel confident, organized and on her game, but her space was not supporting these objectives. We explored several shifts to her space that could support her desires and help her work more effectively, in alignment with her new focus. Together we identified multiple opportunities to bring more energy, flow and functionality into her work space and overall approach to work. Within a week, she moved furniture, reorganized her dresser and shelves and made things more accessible and welcoming. The secret? Working with what she had and making minor adjustments. From simple hacks like folding her clothing differently to see what she had to modifying the room layout made her feel immediately more at ease. Her desire for increased business success let her release stuff she was holding onto for no reason. I noticed the immediate shift in both her demeanor and the room’s energy. The tension was replaced by warmth and positivity. Our soul session continued the process of releasing some additional heaviness weighing on her mind and heart. From stressed and anxious, she felt relaxed and enthusiastic. The lighter feeling was contagious as her husband, an already organized guy, decided to start clearing his space.

Create More Freedom

Seeing the impact of the work with my client has inspired me to create Freedom February. Next month, I will develop customized packages with you to craft your vision and action plan to create change across your mind, body and spirit. Through strategic business coaching, empowered feng shui space reviews and energy medicine soul sessions, we will support you holistically to focus on your dreams, reorganize your space and remove any energetic blocks holding you back. I love this work, not just because it’s fun for me, but because I know it works. The shifts are immediate, observable and impactful. Oh yeah, it’s fun for you too as you realize you can create more freedom and bring new energy to your goals quickly and easily. You will feel completely empowered, inspired and supported to take action that drives changes in powerful ways. Ready to turn your intentions into reality this year? Set up a call to review your goals. I’m excited to hear what you’re longing to create and will customize a package that supports your growth. To leveling up, Lenore

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