You Know What You Want

When You Know, You Know

What’s keeping you from having everything you want? Probably YOU. While it may be counter-intuitive, I firmly believe we often know what we want, but won’t let ourselves have it, particularly when it involves going after our heart’s desires.

Let me explain. You know you love certain things. Those things you read about, research, follow and want to learn more about. The activities that in your heart of hearts, you wish you could spend all your time doing, but don’t believe you can have. Yup, that’s the thing!

You’re afraid you won’t make enough money. Maybe you don’t have the right skills or you never got formal training in it. Is it even possible to make a living doing something you truly love? And the list of doubts, denials and excuses goes on and on.

You actually try to convince yourself that you couldn’t possibly have what you want, so you try your best to push it out of your head. Nope. Can’t have it! That’s not possible. How could I ever make that my reality?

And yet, what if you could?


Creating what you want starts with actually believing that it’s possible. Our thoughts create our reality. If you believe something isn’t within the realm of possibility, then by golly and sure as shooting, it won’t happen. You must allow yourself to entertain a sliver of hope that perhaps where there is a will, there’s a way.

Too often, rather than run the risk of going after what we truly desire, no matter how challenging, we decide to bow out without giving our dreams a fair shake. We shut them down before they even get out of the gate. Slam the door on any possibility. And that’s where your dream goes to die or slips in hiding. Suppressed, but not forgotten.

Yet, it doesn’t need to be that way. If you can imagine it, you can find a way to make it happen. But you won’t know until you start to gather information and take action. Before shutting your dream down, what if you allowed yourself to explore what could be possible?

Embracing Creative Possibilities

I see this happen all the time with my clients and MBA students. We chat about their professional goals. It’s pretty clear to me what they are interested in and really want, but for some reason, they skirt around it and redirect us towards other things. They mention the money, taking on more responsibility, being practical, developing more skills and all the other excuses to avoid going after what they actually want to do. They just won’t allow it.

And then I call them out on it. I say, “Hey, I notice you’re really interested in dealing with this interesting issue. It may seem utterly impractical, but you’ve spent the last X years of your life focusing on it, so what if there was a way to use your skills to create positive change doing what you care most about?”

Then they sit back, sigh deeply and wonder, what if? What if they could really do what they want? That’s when it starts to get interesting because I know that when they set their mind to it, they can create whatever they want. While I can’t know what it will look like, I absolutely believe in their ability to make it happen.

And then I tell them to go for it. I give them permission (not that they need it, but somehow hearing someone else’s encouragement helps them to believe it is possible). It’s like they get a glimpse of what could be and they get excited. For those who rise to the occasion, things then become really exciting.

We start discussing how much more effective they will be if they focus, rather than pursuing multiple avenues, you know “just in case.” I say, double down. GO ALL IN! Direct all your energy towards this vision and see where it takes you.


Once you realize what you want is not only possible, but it’s up to you to make it happen, then you’re faced with yourself. Why were you holding yourself back all this time? You’ve got to look at your fears. You have a choice. You can keep hiding from yourself and continue the charade of making excuses or you can decide it’s time.

Only you will know if you’re ready to make sh*t happen. You might not be. Your energy and attention may be focused on other stuff. Family issues, work stress, health challenges, travel plans. I get it, life gets in the way. There’s never a good time to create change because it can be a bit inconvenient.

And yet, it’s always a good time to embrace change because #lifeisgood. We don’t have much time, then we die. That’s the way of the world. Learn, grow and expand or stall, wither and die. Okay, I’m being a bit dramatic, but you get the idea. What are you waiting for?

When is the right time for you to move forward to create the life and work of your dreams? Why not start now? There’s no time like the present.

Where should you begin? It doesn’t actually matter. You could just decide you’re ready to open yourself up to new possibilities. Start doing a little research. Read more articles that interest you. Reach out to someone who’s doing something you care about. Ask them some questions. Follow your curiosity. Take a class (online or in person). Then see how you feel.

Find the Opportunities

You get to create the life you want. Now you may not be able to control everything that happens, but you have more power and choice than you realize. Once you decide to focus on something, things will start to shift. I can guarantee new options will start becoming available, whether you expect them or not. Surprises and synchronicities will begin popping up and then you’re cooking with fire.

If this sounds like the inspiration or kick in the pants you need, then let’s connect. I empower high achieving conscious leaders like you to create fulfilling life and work. I want you to be happy. You deserve more joy!  Life’s too short. I’m here to encourage and support you to go after what you want. It’s time!

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