“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, “who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of G-d. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.”  – Marianne Williamson

I believe in core truths, yet we often ignore our own wisdom.
Our unique gifts can sometimes make us uncomfortable. So instead, we compete and compare ourselves to others, not trusting what we know to be true. If this resonates, I believe you are hiding from your essence. Your superpowers, your most important strengths, may be hiding in plain sight. Holding yourself back from standing out, standing up or taking a stand is diminishing your potential to make an impact.

What if your true essence is your greatest source of power?
Once you uncover your truth, things get really interesting. You get to own your strengths, prioritize your values, and make choices from a place of alignment. Trusting this wisdom can help guide your decisions, to find and attract the right opportunities and connections. Everything changes from here.

I believe impact comes from alignment, rather than effort.
You can make the positive changes you desire, without pushing, striving or proving. Getting clear on your values and direction creates ease, flow and fulfillment, rather than effort, frustration and disappointment. Standing in your truth and uncovering your message creates bold authenticity, empowerment and alignment.



I bring fierce compassion to my work and hold the highest vision for my clients based on the values of communication, connection, creativity and change, I am committed to creating a safe and sacred space for deep work that may not always be easy but is often transformative. I like to challenge conventional wisdom and look for the edges to uncover new opportunities for growth, while honoring multiple perspectives and allowing whatever needs to emerge to reveal itself.

My approach is inherently intuitive and collaborative, embracing both the woo and bad-ass business warrior expertise when appropriate. Co-creation is far more generative. I believe divergent perspectives can happily co-exist and have experienced the powerful possibilities that can emerge from combining the unknown with the known.

I trust in the process of life – that we discover what needs to be revealed for our growth and highest potential. We are here to enjoy the journey, rather than fight every step of the way.


Let us guide you through a powerful process to envision new possibilities

A graphic showing the three stages of authentic alignment.


We help you gain clarity, feel confident and empowered to communicate your value.


> FOCUS (2 hours)

Deep dive into your specific personal or professional challenges. Gain clarity and focus as you prioritize your objectives. Walk away with confidence and a clear action plan to move forward with ease.

vip day

> VISION (3.5 hours)

Create your roadmap to transformation and reimagine your desired future. Clear any limiting beliefs or unhelpful patterns. Create confidence through internal and external alignment of your values and vision.


> ALCHEMY (6 months)

Guidance through the 8-step Authentic Alchemy Path to transform your life by aligning your mind, body, spirit, behaviors, energy and emotions. Realize your vision and drive change with ongoing accountability.


> CLEARING (2 hours)

Create a new story in your external home or work environment. Shift the energy and layout of your space to support your growth through modern feng shui. Receive personalized recommendations.


“Figuring out how to align my talents with my interests and passion was no easy task, but working with Lenore Kantor was an absolutely transformative step toward finding that alignment. “

>> Khalil Hall (Emerging Leader)

“I am living the reality of what I desired connecting with companies that I adore.”

>> Lindsey Herr (Founder)

“Thank you for giving me that extra push to get out of my comfort zone by following my creative passion.”

>> Nina De Bos (Founder)

Let’s connect

Let’s explore your big vision together. We will review your goals, challenges, opportunities and how I can support you to decide if there’s a fit.
