

When you envision, build or grow your own business, everything is on you. I know, I’ve been there. Beyond having to be the chief cook and bottle washer, you are likely to face multiple issues from where to focus your energy, how to position yourself, communicate your value, find your ideal clients, price your services and create more balance in your life.

How to manage it all and particularly those areas where you struggle and possibly doubt yourself because they are new to you or not what you enjoy doing? It’s important to recognize the extent to which you are your business, and how this can be used to your advantage and not to your detriment. Through deeply intentional transformational coaching, we will uncover how you can do the work you are meant to do, in alignment with your strengths and values, to bring you more joy, prosperity and fulfillment.


Let me guide you to find who you are so you can stop worrying about what you do



As a founders, soulpreneurs or business owner, you likely have a big vision to make an impact through your work. Navigating uncertainty and making decisions can sometimes be unsettling and overwhelming. Together, we will help you build your leadership, know your strengths and step into your power, so you have multiple skills and strategies to make smart choices about your future.

You can create balance between your values, goals and ambitions, to build life and work that is authentic and impactful. I offer marketing and launch expertise, powerful strategic business perspective and intuitive insight, so you have a partner, mentor and sounding board. Together we will unlock your contribution, clarify your purpose, align your resources, raise your rates and help you communicate your value to achieve the impact you desire.


Uncover the work you are meant to do

Strategy Session

Gain insight and take action on clearly defined goals

Address your biggest personal challenge. Gain clarity and develop an intentional and aligned action plan.

90 minutes + 30 minute follow-up


Design and create your roadmap to transformation

Define your desired future. Uncover and resolve blocks. Identify clear next steps with confidence.

3 hours + 30 minute follow-up

Coaching Program

Chart the path to embody your power and truth

Guidance through the Authentic Alchemy Path. Align mind, body, spirit, emotions to drive transformation.

6 months (Includes VISION VIP Day)

Feng Shui Review

Make space for new possibilities in your home

Thoughtful review of your environment to support your life vision. Receive personalized recommendations.

2 hour consult + Report


“We got a lot of value from our strategy session with Lenore.”

>> Alex Dunegan (CEO & Founder)

“Lenore delivers unique insights that I have rarely found from other marketers.”

>> Alfred Eskandar (CEO)

“Lenore’s expert insight and guidance around messaging have been invaluable.”

>> Kirsten Hund-Blair (CEO & Founder)

Let’s connect

Explore your vision and how coaching can support you

For insight and inspiration on work and life design